Naimisha Forest
Update on "Law and Order Minorities"
Every so often, Rasmussen breaks out details from its daily tracking poll to show Trump’s “Job Approval” among different ethnic groups. The company’s September 21 poll shows Trump’s national approval at 51%, with 53% among Whites, 39% among Blacks, and 51% for “Other Minorities” (a catch-all group led . . .
The Mystery of the Lockdowns
In “How many lives would a more normal president have saved?” New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wonders how many Americans died because of President Trump’s “abnormal” reluctance to embrace stricter lockdown measures. Douthat’s speculations never get close to the likely correct answer, though, which is . . .
Will "Law-and-Order Minorities" Put Trump Over the Top in 2020?
2020 is when racial identity politics, after creeping up on Democrats for years, finally pounced and ate the party’s entire brain.
- Example: the startling refusal of Democrats at any level to condemn the nationwide “Black
Lives Matter” rioting as an unacceptable form of protest.
- Example: picking a Vice President . . .
American Virtù: Discourses by Michael Anton
Students of ‘intellectual Trumpism’ will be interested in parts of this recent interview with Michael Anton upon his leaving the National Security Council to take up a fellowship at Hillsdale College. Under the pen name Publius Decius Mus, Anton was the author of probably the single most consequential political article . . .
Why Trump?
I try to stay away from overtly partisan political blogging. One more article on why we should loathe or love Donald Trump? Please. Still, it’s hard to resist the odd political observation. There was abundant commentary in late January on the first anniversary of the Trump presidency. The President’s supporters celebrated his . . .
Posted in: clintonsethnicityfree speechidentity politicsimmigrationnationobamapolitical correctnesspoliticsreligiontrumpusa
“19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election” – I am scared
Statistician Andrew Gelman and political scientist Julia Azari have an interesting discussion paper on “19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election”. The 19 things are grouped under Nominations and Campaigning, Polling and the News Media, How Voters Make Decisions, and The US Political Environment. Here are a few that . . .
Walter Russell Mead on the American Political Crisis
In early 2016 historian Walter Russell Mead wrote a prescient analysis of the American political crisis that was to burst fully into the open only some months later, with Donald Trump’s victory in the November presidential election. I vaguely recalled Mead’s brilliant description of the enormous elite interests lined up . . .
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